About ProjectAcquisition
We are a team of experts, specialising in a range of online services from running and maintaining adverts to sales as well as design. We are here to put your company into the always changing online world to boosts your sales and reputation
We’ve Got You Covered In All Areas:
Brand Design & Strategy
Together let's plan and execute your marketing and outreach strategy.
Lead Generation
Generate leads through various advertisements, which our expert sales team will qualify, meaning instead of calling hundreds of leads a month, all you have to do is go and give a quotation
Social Media Management
Grow your following and show off your companies portfolio with our social media specialists
Keep track of all your messages, website visits and leads with our fully integrated platform
Optimize your website and online activity to keep your company at the top of googles search engine
Website Development
Work with our web design specialists to create your dream website, a necessity in the online world
Advertisement Creation
From Facebook, Google and Instagram ads, to physical banners and leaflets our team works with you to perfectly portray your company
How does working with us look like?